ATB - Aliança Transformers Brasil


Texto: Luna


  • A Marvel Comics UK publicou uma versão britânica dos quadrinhos, de 20 de setembro de 1984 a 18 de janeiro de 1992.

  • Apesar de as estórias americanas serem reimpressas na Inglaterra, uma boa parte das estórias publicadas era original.

  • Inicialmente, a revista era bisemanal, em sua maior parte em preto e branco e apresentava apenas as estórias americanas. No entanto, as vendas foram tão boas que a Marvel Inglesa acabou adotando o formato totalmente colorido, com periodicidade semanal e inclusão de estórias originais.

  • Os escritores e artistas britânicos, liderados por Simon Furman, foram responsáveis pelas estórias originais, que são consideradas por muitos melhores que as americanas, tanto que, posteriormente, a Marvel Comics US acabou por contratar Simon Furman e outros da equipe inglesa para continuar desenvolvendo os quadrinhos americanos, reintegrando as duas sagas.

  • Devido à sua periodicidade semanal, a série britânica totalizou 332 edições.

  • Apesar de muito popular na Inglaterra, a revista não era impressa em quantidade tão grande quanto nos EUA, além disso, era publicada seguindo um esquema semelhante aos dos jornais: usando material barato (e pouco resistente) para baixar os custos e sendo recolhidas das bancas e destruídas a cada nova edição. Por todos esses fatores, as revistas britânicas são mais difíceis de se encontrar hoje em dia do que as americanas.

  • Também houve uma "Transformers: Generation 2" na Inglaterra. Foram 5 edições, compostas por estórias originais e estórias americanas reimpressas.


"THE TRANSFORMERS" (G1) - #1 a #332:

(Os números entre parêntesis indicam as edições americanas equivalentes.)

  • # 1 - 2 "The Transformers" (US #1)
  • # 3 - 4 "Power Play" (US #2)
  • # 5 - 6 "Prisoner of War" (US #3)
  • # 7 - 8 "The Last Stand" (US #4)
  • # 9 - 12 "Man of Iron" (foi a primeira estória inglesa original e posteriormente foi lançada na revista americana como US #33 - 34)
  • # 13 - 17 "The Enemy Within" (original)
  • # 18 - 21 "Raiders of the Last Ark" (original)
  • # 22 - 23 "The New Order" (US #5)
  • # 24 - 25 "The Worse of Two Evils" (US #6)
  • # 26 "Warrior School" (US #7)
  • # 27 - 28 "Repeat Performances" (US #8)
  • # 29 - 30 "Decepticon Dam Busters" (original)
  • # 31 "The Wrath of Guardian" (original)
  • # 32 "The Wrath of Grimlock" (original)
  • # 33 - 34 "Dis-integrated Circuits" (US #9)
  • # 35 - 36 "The Next Best Thing to Being There" (US #10)
  • # 37 - 38 "Brainstorm" (US #11)
  • # 39 - 40 "Prime Time" (US #12)
  • # 41 "Christmas Breaker" (original)
  • # 42 - 44 "Crisis of Command" (original)
  • # 45 - 46 "The Icarus Theory" (original)
  • # 47 - 50 "Dinobot Hunt" (original)
  • # 51 - 52 "Shooting Star" (US #13)
  • # 53 - 54 "Rock and Roll-Out" (US #14)
  • # 55 - 56 "I, Robot Master" (US #15)
  • # 57 - 58 "Plight of the Bumblebee" (US #16)
  • # 59 - 60 "Robot Buster" (original)
  • # 61 - 62 "Devastation Derby" (original)
  • # 63 - 65 "Second Generation" (original)
  • # 66 - 67 "The Smelting Pool" (US #17)
  • # 68 - 69 "The Bridge to Nowhere" (US #18)
  • # 70 - 71 "Command Performances" (US #19)
  • # 72 - 73 "Showdown" (US #20)
  • # 74 - 77 "In the National Interest" (original, repetida nas edições #302-307)
  • # 78 - 88 "Target: 2006" (original)
  • # 89 - 90 "Aerialbots over America" (US #21)
  • # 91 - 92 "Heavy Traffic" (US #22)
  • # 93 "The Gift" (original)
  • # 94 - 95 "Decepticon Graffiti" (US #23)
  • # 96 - 97 "Prey" (original)
  • # 98 - 99 "The Harder They Die" (original)
  • # 100 "Distant Thunder" (original)
  • # 101 - 102 "Fallen Angel" (original)
  • # 103 - 104 "Resurrection" (original, repetida nas edições #229-231)
  • # 105 - 106 "Afterdeath" (US #24)
  • # 107 - 108 "Gone But Not Forgotten" (US #25)
  • # 109 - 110 "Funeral for a Friend" (US #26)
  • # 111 - 112 "King of the Hill" (US #27)
  • # 113 - 114 "Wanted: Galvatron-Dead or Alive" (original, repedida nas edições #221-224)
  • # 115 - 116 "Burning Sky" (original)
  • # 117 - 118 "Hunters" (original)
  • # 119 - 120 "Fire on High" (original)
  • # 121 - 122 "Mechanical Difficulties" (US #28)
  • # 123 - 124 "Crater Critters" (US #29)
  • # 125 "Ancient Relics" (crossover com "Action Force" #24-27)
  • # 126 - 127 "The Cure" (US #30)
  • # 128 - 129 "Buster Witwicky and the Car Wash of Doom" (US #31)
  • # 130 - 131 "Worlds Apart" (original, repetida nas edições #255-258) e "Headmasters" (Headmasters #1)
  • # 132 "Kup's Story" (original)
  • # 133 - 134 "Headhunt" (original, repetida nas edições #225-227)
  • # 135 - 136 "Grudge Match" (original)
  • # 137 - 138 "Ladies Night" (original)
  • # 139 - 140 "Used Autobots" (US #32)
  • # 141 - 142 "Child's Play" (US #35)
  • # 143 - 144 "Spacehikers" (US #36)
  • # 145 "Stargazing" (original)
  • # 146 - 151 "The Legacy of Unicron" (original, repetida nas edições #290-301)
  • # 152 - 153 "Enemy Action" (original)
  • # 154 - 155 "Toy Soldiers" (US #37)
  • # 156 - 157 "Trail by Fire" (US #38)
  • # 158 - 159 "The Desert Island of Space" (US #39)
  • # 160 - 161 "Salvage" (original)
  • # 162 - 163 "Pretender to the Throne" (US #40)
  • # 164 - 165 "City of Fear" (original)
  • # 166 - 167 "Legion of the Lost" (original)
  • # 168 - 169 "Meltdown" (original)
  • # 170 - 171 "Deadly Games" (original)
  • # 172 - 173 "Wrecking Havoc" (original)
  • # 174 - 175 "Totaled" (US #41)
  • # 176 - 177 "People Power" (US #42)
  • # 178 - 179 "The Cosmic Carnival" (US #44)
  • # 180 - 181 "The Big Broadcast of 2006" (US #43)
  • # 182 - 187 "Space Pirates" (original)
  • # 188 "Firebug" (original)
  • # 189 "Dry Run (original)"
  • # 190 - 191 "Monstercon From Mars" (US #45)
  • # 192 - 193 "Ca$h and Car-nage" (US #46)
  • # 194 - 195 "Club Decepticon" ("Underbase Saga 1" US #47)
  • # 196 - 197 "The Flames Of Boltax" ("Underbase Saga 2" US #48)
  • # 198 "Cold Comfort and Joy" (original)
  • # 199 - 205 "Time Wars" (original)
  • # 206 - 207 "Cold War" (Underbase Saga Pt. 3) (US #49)
  • # 208 - 210 "Dark Star" (Underbase Saga Pt. 4) (US #50)
  • # 211 - 212 "The Man in the Machine" (US #51)
  • # 213 - 214 "Guess who the Mechanibals Are Having for Dinner" (US #?) e "The Rise and Fall of the Decepticon Empire" (original)
  • # 215 - 216 "Guess who the Mechanibals Are Having for Dinner" (US #?) e "Race with the Devil" (original)
  • # 217 - 218 "Recipe for Disaster" (US #52) e "Race with the Devil" (original)
  • # 219 - 220 "Recipe for Disaster" (US #53) e "Survivors" (original)
  • # 221 - 222 "Survivors" (original) e "Wanted Galvatron Dead or Alive" (original, repetida)
  • # 223 - 224 "Survivors" (original) e "Aspects of Evil" (original)
  • # 225 - 227 "Aspects of Evil" (original) e "Headhunt" (original, repetida)
  • # 228 "(Double) Deal of the Century" (original)
  • # 229 "Hunting Party" (original) e "Resurrection" (original, repetida)
  • # 230 - 231 "The Big Shutdown" (original, repetida nas edições #330-331) e "Resurrection" (original, repetida)
  • # 232 - 233 "A Small War" (original) e "King Decepticon" (US #54)
  • # 234 "Prime's Rib" (original) e "King Decepticon" (US #54)
  • # 235 "Deathbringer" (original) e "King Decepticon" (US #54)
  • # 236 "Deathbringer" (original) e "The Interplanetary Wrestling Championship" (US #55)
  • # 237 "Way of the Warrior" (original) e "The Interplanetary Wrestling Championship" (US #55)
  • # 238 "Survival Run" (original) e "The Interplanetary Wrestling Championship" (US #55)
  • # 239 "A Savage Place" (original) e "The Interplanetary Wrestling Championship" (US #55)
  • # 240 "Walk Of The Dead" (US #56) e "Out To Lunch" (original)
  • # 241 "Walk Of The Dead" (US #56) e "Rage" (original)
  • # 242 "Walk Of The Dead" (US #56) e "Assault On The Ark" (original)
  • # 243 "The Resurrection Gambit" (US #57) e "Mind Games" (original)
  • # 244 "The Resurrection Gambit" (US #57) e "Two Megatrons" (original)
  • # 245 "The Resurrection Gambit" (US #57) e "Underworld" (original)
  • # 246 "All the Familiar Faces" (US #58) e "Demons" (original)
  • # 247 "All the Familiar Faces" (US #58) e "Dawn of Darkness" (original)
  • # 248 "All the Familiar Faces" (US #58) e "Fallen Star" (original)
  • # 249 "Skin Deep" (US #59) e "Whose Lifeforce is it Anyway?" (original)
  • # 250 "Skin Deep" (US #59) e "The Greatest Gift of All" (original, repetida na edição #332)
  • # 251 "Skin Deep" (US #59) e "The Void" (original)
  • # 252 "Yesterdays' Heroes" (US #60) e "Edge Of Impact" (original)
  • # 253 "Yesterdays' Heroes" (US #60) e "Shadow Of Evil" (original)
  • # 254 "Yesterdays' Heroes" (US #60) e "White Fire" (original)
  • # 255 - 258 "Perchance To Dream" (original) e "Worlds Apart" (original, repetida)
  • # 259 - 260 "Perchance To Dream" (original) e "Primal Scream" (US #61)
  • # 261 "Starting Over" (original) e "Primal Scream" (US #61)
  • # 262 "Bird Of Prey ("Matrix Quest 1", US #62) e "Two Steps Back" (original)
  • # 263 "Bird Of Prey ("Matrix Quest 1", US #62) e "Break Away" (original)
  • # 264 "Bird Of Prey ("Matrix Quest 1", US #62) e "Desert Island Risk" (original)
  • # 265 "Blood On The Tracks (GI JOE/TFs #1) e "Once Upon A Time ..." (original)
  • # 266 "Blood On The Tracks (GI JOE/TFs #1) e "Life In The Slow Lane" (original)
  • # 267 "Blood On The Tracks (GI JOE/TFs #1) e "Snow Fun" (original)
  • # 268 "Blood On The Tracks (GI JOE/TFs #1) e "Flashback" (original)
  • # 269 "Power Struggle" (GI JOE/TFs #2) e "Mystery" (original)
  • # 270 "Power Struggle" (GI JOE/TFs #2) e "The Bad Guys' Ball" (original)
  • # 271 "Power Struggle" (GI JOE/TFs #2) e "The Living Nightlights" (original)
  • # 272 "Power Struggle" (GI JOE/TFs #2) e "Cry Wolf" (original)
  • # 273 "Ashes, Ashes ..." (GI JOE/TFs #3) e "Wolf In The Fold" (original)
  • # 274 "Ashes, Ashes ..." (GI JOE/TFs #3) e "Where Wolf" (original)
  • # 275 "Ashes, Ashes ..." (GI JOE/TFs #3) e "Secres"
  • (original)
  • # 276 "Ashes, Ashes ..." (GI JOE/TFs #3) e "Bugged" (original)
  • # 277 "All Fall Down" (GI JOE/TFs #4) e "Internal Affairs" (original)
  • # 278 "All Fall Down" (GI JOE/TFs #4) e "The House That Wheeljack Built" (original)
  • # 279 "All Fall Down" (GI JOE/TFs #4) e "Divide And Conquer" (original)
  • # 280 "All Fall Down" (GI JOE/TFs #4) e "The 4,000,000 Year Itch" (original)
  • # 281 "All Fall Down" (GI JOE/TFs #4) e "Makin' Tracks" (original)
  • # 282 "Kings of the Wild Frontier" ("Matrix Quest 2", US #63) e "Shut Up" (original)
  • # 283 "Kings of the Wild Frontier" ("Matrix Quest 2", US #63) e "Maneuvers" (original)
  • # 284 "Kings of the Wild Frontier" ("Matrix Quest 2", US #63) e "Assassins" (original)
  • # 285 "Kings of the Wild Frontier" ("Matrix Quest 2", US #63) e "External Force" (original)
  • # 286 "Deadly Obsession" ("Matrix Quest 3", US #64) e "The Lesser Evil" (original)
  • # 287 "Deadly Obsession" ("Matrix Quest 3", US #64) e "Inside Story" (original)
  • # 288 "Deadly Obsession" ("Matrix Quest 3", US #64) e "Front Line" (original)
  • # 289 "Dark Creation" ("Matrix Quest 4", US #65) e "End of the Road" (original)
  • # 290 - 293 "Dark Creation" ("Matrix Quest 4", US #65) e "The Legacy of Unicron" (original, repetida)
  • # 294 - 297 "The Legacy of Unicron" (original, repetida) e "All Fall Down" ("Matrix Quest 5", US #66)
  • # 298 - 301 "The Legacy of Unicron" (original, repetida) e "Rhythms of Darkness" (original)
  • # 302 - 305 "In the National Interest" (original, repetida) e "The Human Factor" (US #68)
  • # 306 - 307 "In the National Interest" (original, repetida) e "Eye Of The Storm" (US #69)
  • # 308 - 310 "The Enemy Within" (original) e "Eye Of The Storm" (US #69)
  • # 309 "The Enemy Within" (original) e "The Price of Life" (US #70)
  • # 310 "The Price of Life" (US #70)
  • # 311 - 312 "Surrender" (US #71)
  • # 313 - 314 "All This and Civil War 2" (US #72) e "The Enemy Within" (original)
  • # 315 - 316 "Out of Time" (US #73) e "The Enemy Within" (original)
  • # 317 - 318 "The Void" (US #74) e "The Enemy Within" (original)
  • # 319 - 322 "On the Edge of Extinction" (US #75)
  • # 323 - 324 "Still Life" (US #76)
  • # 325 - 326 "Exodus" (US #77)
  • # 327 - 328 "A Savage Circle" (US #78)
  • # 329 "The Last Autobot" (US #79) e
  • # 330 "The Last Autobot" (US #79) e "The Big Shutdown" (original, repetida)
  • # 331 "The End of the Road" (US #80) e "The Big Shutdown" (original, repetida)
  • # 332 "The End of the Road" (US #80) e "The Greatest Gift of All" (original, repetida)

  • # 1 - 5


  • Estórias originais: Simon Furman.
  • Estórias americanas: Bob Budiansky, Simon Furman, Ralph Macchio, Jim Salicrup, Bill Mantlo, Steve Parkhouse e Len Kaminski.